- Pasitempusi ir judri kavinės darbuotoja prisipažino, kad darbui siūtas "sarafanas" yra jos "išmislas," nes pati mėgstanti pasipuošti.
- This energetic and charming lady admitted - she loves to dress well. She designed and made her own work uniform.
Looking for the perfect accessory to spruce up your favorite outfit? Maybe just to add a little flair to a newly purchased piece? Whatever the case may be, shop online for fashionable jewelry. Find anything from bracelets to diamond engagement rings, all for affordable prices.
- Šis ponas ilgai atsikalbinėjo ir nenorėjo fotografuotis. Išgyrę klasikinį ir inteligentišką jo garderobo pasirinkimą, gavome keletą nuotraukų. Kelnes dovanojo pažįstama siuvėja, o mėgstinį - sesuo. Derindamas žemiškų spalvų tonus, buvęs fotografas nepamirš0 papuošti galvą smagia kepure.
- This gentleman refused to be photographed. However, eventually he could not fight our compliments on such sophisticated outfit. These pants came from the tailor he once knew, and the sweater was a gift from his sister. The man, who also happened to be a former photographer, complimented his style with an earthy hat.